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Creating Effective Study Habits

In Part 1 of this series, I asked if you had ever read a list of study skills but just didn’t know how to go about making them happen. Like me, you’ve probably read a list of study tips and thought, ‘Yes, I’ve read all that before’. And you probably remember two weeks later being just as stressed about study and wondering what you could do to improve your study skills!! Well, I realised later that I had been reading that list of study skills and not really knowing how to put them into practise.

Do not be afraid to set boundaries with your teen driver. There is no reason that they need to be driving late or have their car pack with friends. Peer pressure is a growing concern with teen drivers. They often feel the need to show off and that is why accidents occur. Limit the number of people that they can have in their car. Set a curfew in regards to them driving their car. You could even make it a strictly work and school vehicle only. Most importantly talk to them about the dangers of using their cell phone when driving. Make sure they understand there is nothing more important than their life.

For preschool, elementary, and middle school/junior high children, it is important that parents be responsible for creating this distraction-free, supply filled study area. This must NOT be in the child’s bedroom for hopefully obvious reasons. The dining room, the basement, the attic, or the den could work. The study area should not face a window and the student should not be able to view the TV or computer. I have other articles dealing with creating narrative essay writer areas in the home that might be good to read if you have a younger child.

Before I tell you what finally worked for me, let me share 3 great writing tips that you should embrace in order to be consistent with writing in your business. Now, these may also work for fiction pieces, but since I write non-fiction I can only speak from my own experience.

Why aren’t you writing your way to wealth? Why aren’t you enthusiastic about it? Writing should lead you to your business success. With the proper training you could be having $100 days, $500 days, and $1000 days depending on your product or services. Adding a viral blog to your marketing will help you increase your traffic.

To truly maximize the benefits of studying while on the go, you’ll need to take creative approaches to studying that lets you absorb more in such an environment.

Your teen is chronically defiant. All teenagers talk back or buck up against the system from time to time. This is normal because teens are trying to find themselves and to do so, they must reject authority figures in some ways. This is why you shouldn’t take rejection personally, but it is also why you need to pay attention when defiance becomes chronic. If your child won’t listen to anyone, even when you know that he knows that adults are acting in his best interests, you have may have a troubled teen. Normal teens are alternately receptive, compliant and rebellious. When they realize that their behavior was out of line, they apologize.

They may contemplate suicide. This is extreme, but your teen’s acne may send them over the edge. Please tell your teen that committing suicide because of acne IS NOT the answer. Acne is treatable with facial scrubs, creams, and antibiotics (when necessary). If your teen feels suicidal, get them help. They’ll benefit from speaking to someone about their feelings. You may want to enroll them in a support group for teens. They’ll feel better knowing they’re not the only one experiencing acne.

Remember, that it is normal for your teen to challenge your beliefs, opinions, and values. More than anything they are testing their new found and much desired independence. This doesn’t mean they don’t want your input or advice, it means they want you to back off a bit more (alter your parenting to reflect your teen’s age) so they can make their choices. The more controlling you are the more rebellious your teen can become (of course, some kids are more rebellious/ submissive than others). This is natural.

Did you know you can hugely improve your health from writing? Writing can lead to a reduction in stress, better sleep, a stronger immune system, improved relationships, better academic results, improved performance at work and even a better memory! Research also shows that writing can also improve overall psychological well-being, and assists in the management of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression and post traumatic stress disorder.

Troubled teens are easy to spot if you know the warning signs. How can you determine if teen behavior is just a passing phase or your teen needs help? Read this article to learn more.

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